A downloadable game for Android

๐Ÿ‡ฎ๐Ÿ‡ฉ :

Masih ingat Ping Ball? Gamenya udah dihapus + file gamenya ilang, jadi gw remake gamenya dengan grafis yang lebih bagus, musik yang ... entah menurut lu bagus apa gak, dan mempunyai fitur-fitur yang belum ada di versi original.

Ping Ball Plus adalah game ping pong biasa tapi suasananya seperti dalam pertandingan sepak bola (gk juga sih), yang bisa dimainin sama 2 orang, ya pokoknya gitu dah.


A:Geser aja pemainnya ke atas/bawah.

Q:Cara menang?

A:Cetak gol sebanyak mungkin sebelum waktunya habis.

Q:Apakah kedepannya bisa main di PC?

A:Tidak, tidak bisa, karena Max2D adalah game engine khusus android, jadi gak bisa export ke PC. Selain itu, game ini adalah game multiplayer dalam satu layar, yakali game kayak gitu ada di PC


Remember Ping Ball? The game is now removed + the file is gone, so I remake the game with better graphics, the music is ... I don't know what you think is it good or not, and has many features that not have in the original game.

Ping Ball Plus is a normal ping pong game that can played with 2 players, but with football theme... Yeah just like that.


A:Just slide the player up/down.

Q:How can I win?

A:Score as many goals as you can before the time runs out.

Q: Will it possible to play on PC?

A: No, because Max2D is a game engine specifically for Android, so it can't be exported to PC. And also this is a multiplayer game on one screen, no games like that on PC (maybe)

Changelog Release v1.0: 

- New minigame "Blind Mode"

- Singleplayer now has easy, medium, and hard difficulty levels

- Some bot scripts in Singleplayer updated

- Deleted the dust effect because it is very heavy

- Button for the "Blind Mode" minigame

- Added "Recommended!!" text under the medium difficulty level (Multiplayer only)

- Clicking Singleplayer now pops up a new difficulty scene

- Added text mode on Singleplayer/Multiplayer difficulty scene

- Fixed shadow does not match the player

- Fixed unresponsive "difficulty" background scene on screen

- Fix splash screen disappearing

Ping Ball + rilis!!!!!

Game Engine : Max2d

StatusIn development
Release date Feb 05, 2023
Average sessionA few minutes
InputsTouchscreen, Smartphone


Ping Ball + v1.0.apk 38 MB

Install instructions

Installing .apk tutorial (how tf did you don't know ๐Ÿ’€) :

- Download the .apk file until finish

- If the download finished, click the file

- And Install.... Easy right?

If you want to know the details you can search on YouTube, Google, etc. ๐Ÿค“


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Ping Ball + rilis hari ini !!!!

dah lah, gak usah diundur, gak usah beta baru, Ping Ball + bakal full release pada tanggal....

10 Desember 2023!!! (Semoga gak diundur lagi) ๐Ÿฅฐ๐Ÿค“